Celestia Main Quest Guide Line (2024)

Survey Camp

1. Door to the Stars (talk + explore + talk)

2. Deeper and Deeper (talk)

3. Survivors (talk 4x)

4. Taking Notes (interact + talk)

5. Fixing a Hole (D&C + talk + collect + talk)

6. Off the Map (collect + talk + D&C + talk + explore + boss + talk)

7. Rub-A-Dub (interact + talk)

8. Breathing Room (interact + talk)

The Grotto

9. Whole Lotta Grotto (talk)

10. Crustacean Nation (D&C + talk)

11. Coral of the Story (collect + talk)

12. Shocking News (interact + talk)

13. Pack Crabs (D&C + explore + talk)

14. The Starfish Chamber (explore + boss + talk)

15. My Dinner with Algae (D&C + interact + boss + interact + talk)

16. Johnny-on-the-Spot (talk + interact + talk)

District of the Stars

17. Just Popping In (talk)

18. Explorer101 (explore + talk + D&C + talk)

19. Star Cores (interact + talk)

20. Forging Ahead (interact + talk)

21. Reference Materials (talk + collect + talk)

22. Putting Pieces Together (explore + explore + talk)

23. Tide and Tile (D&C + explore + explore + talk)

See Also

24. Turning Tiles (interact + talk)

25. Archivist, Revisited (talk)

26. Con Job (interact 4x + talk)

27. Teeth of the Shark (interact + talk + explore + boss + talk)

28. Into the Stellarium (interact)

29. A Star is Born (instance: explore + boss + interact + explore + boss)

28. Into the Stellarium (interact + talk)

The Floating Land

30. On the Waterfront (talk)

31. Spirit of the Sea (mob + talk)

32. A Stormy Offering (collect + interact + talk)

33. Claw of the Jungle (boss + boss + talk)

34. Distress Call (talk)

35. Gahlwok This Way (explore + boss + talk)

36. Celestian Idol (collect + talk)

37. Almost Friends (mob + talk + explore + boss + talk)

38. Crash of the Sky-Fish (talk + talk)

39. As the Water Falls (D&C + talk)

40. Barking up the Tree (talk + talk)

41. Let’s Go Bowling (explore + talk)

42. Cutting Crew (collect + talk + interact + talk)


43. To Stormriven! (talk)

44. It’s the Plumber (interact + interact + talk)

45. Ghosts of Celestia (D&C + interact + mob + interact + talk)

46. The Moon Below (interact + talk)

47. Celestian Leftovers (talk + talk)

48. Stars and Shadow (interact + talk + D&C + talk)

49. Inevitable Betrayal (interact + boss + talk)

50. A Sunny Disposition (talk)

51. Storm Shards (D&C + D&C + interact + talk)

52. Kraken Up (interact + mob + mob + boss + talk)

District of the Stars

53. A Old Sea Chantry (talk)

54. In For Repairs (interact 3x + talk)

55. Lunarium Tunes (interact + talk)

56. Dark Side of the Moon (instance: mob + interact + talk + mob 3x + interact)

57. Pylon Raiders (instance: interact + collect + mob + boss + explore)

58. Destination: Moon (interact + interact + talk)

Science Center

59. Scientific Method (talk)

60. Steamed Up (mob + talk)

61. Spare Parts (interact + D&C + talk)

62. Lightning in a Bottle (collect + collect + talk)

63. Follow the Leader (talk)

64. Steam-Bot Attack (mob + mob + talk)

65. Galvanic Company (interact + interact + talk)

66. Tower of Power (interact 4x + talk)

67. Cogitator Investigator (D&C + explore + talk)

68. Powering Up (D&C + interact + talk)

69. Parts Is Parts (interact + talk)

70. Cracking the Books (explore + mob + interact + talk)

71. Crystal Fight (interact + D&C + interact + interact + D&C + interact + mob + interact + explore + boss + talk)

72. Pieces of the Sun (interact + talk)

Crustacean Empire

73. To the Solarium! (explore + talk)

74. Something’s Fishy (mob + mob + talk)

75. Forewarned Is… (interact + talk)

76. Ring of Authority (D&C + talk)

77. Fire in the Sea (explore + boss + talk)

78. Plunkett, I Presume? (talk 3x)

79. Breaking the Mold (interact + talk)

80. Stir of Echoes (D&C + talk)

81. Armed to the Gills (explore + double boss + talk)

82. The Back Door (talk + mob + mob + talk)

83. Shot in the Dark (interact + talk)

84. X Marks the Spot (talk + D&C + talk)

85. Finding the Way (explore 4x + boss + talk)

86. Calypso Queen (explore + boss + talk)

87. Treasure This (explore + interact + talk)

88. Let’s Mako Deal (explore + boss + talk)

89. The Final Frontier (interact + talk)

The Chancel

90. The Sun of All Fears (instance: explore)

91. Tears of the Sun (instance: explore + D&C)

92. The Sun Also Rises (instance: explore + interact + mob)

93. The Big Guy (instance: boss 3x + interact 3x + boss)

90. The Sun of All Fears (interact + talk)

Sanctum of the Sun

94. Trial of the Spheres (instance: puzzle 3x + cheat + mob 4x + interact 4x + cheat + puzzle + cheat)

95. Through This Door… (talk + talk)

Celestia Main Quest Guide Line (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.