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Posted 20 April 2012 - 01:17 PM

So much negativity here so I figured we need a positive thread about the patch...

Looks like we actually have an active forum with users that are either are new or that I haven't seen post either in a long time or ever...

So at least the forums are active...

I like the new visual features...
Hippie Look is pretty cool (though not sure what a hawaiian shirt has to do with being a hippie... should at least be a tie died shirt and at least come with glasses...

I haven't PvP'd since evo/p2p when the vast majority of my friends quit so I can't comment on the game arena...

So was there anything you liked with the patch?

Please keep this thread positive...

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 01:23 PM

Well, it is a major stepping stone towards other kind of games that can be added (such as pvm instances), once they get the few queuing issues out there'll be a lot more to do around here.
The map made for crystal defenders was in fact really nicely done, after orlo part II i thought they wouldn't ever make a good looking map.. they threw me off with the crystal defenders map though.
That was the two most important and positive things, also i like the hippie look too, bright colors on costumes have always been something fitting the style of rose (:

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 01:37 PM

The map made for crystal defenders was in fact really nicely done

Based on the screenies I have seen of it, I agree... it looks good...

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 01:39 PM

I really hate that hippie costume i was hoping for ninja haha Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (9)

in my opinion nothing.. the reason why i came back to this game was because i heard of the new upcoming pvp wars but it really dissapointed me.. so i gonna take a break again or just quit :S but with the feedback they get they can make a really cool pvp system if they listen ( i think ) Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (10)

maybe in a few weeks the pvp system will rock i can't wait!

Edited by Robje, 20 April 2012 - 01:40 PM.

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 03:21 PM

Looks like we actually have an active forum with users that are either are new or that I haven't seen post either in a long time or ever...

So at least the forums are active...

The post office is active on tax day. Doesn't mean people are there to kiss the postman and buy stamps. Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (13)

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 03:54 PM

I really hate that hippie costume i was hoping for ninja haha Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (16)

in my opinion nothing.. the reason why i came back to this game was because i heard of the new upcoming pvp wars but it really dissapointed me.. so i gonna take a break again or just quit :S but with the feedback they get they can make a really cool pvp system if they listen ( i think ) Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (17)

maybe in a few weeks the pvp system will rock i can't wait!

If you plan to quit I want to buy your weapons and armies.

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 04:30 PM

The post office is active on tax day. Doesn't mean people are there to kiss the postman and buy stamps. Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (20)

Actually.. there are busier holidays/occassions than Tax Day... Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (21)

ever hear of being facetious???

I thought this thread might bring out a positive atmosphere instead of all the stupid complaining about the changes... guess I was anticipating some positive replies... sadly... only jerremy could say anything positive...

So obviously... I was wrong at thinking people in the community of rose could actually say anything positive...

Thanks jerremy for staying positive...

A mod should just delete this thread...

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 07:09 AM

    Well lets be positive we are dced at moment my mouse is sleeping and 400 is bound to be better than 401

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 07:18 AM

    Hippie Look is pretty cool

    Thats about it for me :/

    On the Note of being positive.. I really didn't start complaining excessively until the last few patches---Yeah I had a few posts here and there before that--When there were party bugs..when they tried to make fewer uws.. I used to give more feedback-esque posts and can admit that my posts probably seem more and more like complaining as they become more and more frequent. They also become shorter and likely meaner as my longer logical ones are just ignored anyways(why waste the time!)

    What they should be really concerned about is all the people coming out of the woodworks to complain..people who barely or hadn't posted on the forums before.. Their concerns are being thrown aside as complaints as well..

    I am sorry if this upsets you, but what more can you expect from people?

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 07:43 AM

    only downfall i see to this so far is (Draconis) the amount of people that want to join late night is few, haven't been around lately to see about (my) normal time.

    i like that the game arena allows the grouping (when its working right Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (28)) so clans can try to go against clans and still get rewards for fighting even if its only 15v15.

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:01 AM

    Its a great update, came back to the game to test it out and I have been in 2 wars so far and they've been much more enjoyable then UW. I haven't seen any leechers yet which is a good sign and the teams I've been in so far actually try to work as a team rather then in UW where it was just a big mess.

    Only thing I didn't like was that you couldn't eat or drink hp/ mp food, it was a lot slower for my knight to gain his MP back, unless I just died and respawned with full mana, but other then that love it.

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:03 AM

    Its a great update, came back to the game to test it out and I have been in 2 wars so far and they've been much more enjoyable then UW. I haven't seen any leechers yet which is a good sign and the teams I've been in so far actually try to work as a team rather then in UW where it was just a big mess.

    Only thing I didn't like was that you couldn't eat or drink hp/ mp food, it was a lot slower for my knight to gain his MP back, unless I just died and respawned with full mana, but other then that love it.

    The downside can be fixed by using the honor potions from the honor shop Henry ^^

    Quite expensive, but it works.

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:06 AM

    The downside can be fixed by using the honor potions from the honor shop Henry ^^

    Quite expensive, but it works.

    That's a very good idea, I don't mind so much the HP side cause that's what the cleric's are there for but the MP was becoming a pain, so thanks for that Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (35)

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:18 AM

    And a knight doesn't consume that much mp anyway, i used like one mp pot every ten minutes back in uw, and those gave only 700mp, the honor ones give like 1200?

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:58 AM

    Yeah my MP lasts awhile but when its gone its hard to regain it back since you seem to be always getting attacked in this new place. At least I should only need one or 2 potions per game, so shouldn't break the bank Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (40)

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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 12:27 PM

    A person who does a lot of work, earns enough points for the pots he/she uses.

    omg it sucks bring back uw blah blah qq qq wah wah. (endsarcasm)

    1. I think there should be a visible list of people que'd up for the game arena.

    2. Having multiple rooms for the game arena. (assuming there will be a lot of people actually signing up for it when all bugs are fixed.) Just so there can be more than one game going at once.(I think 2 rooms would be more than enough for how many people actually play this game.)

    3. Having a little break between crystal destroyed. What I had in mind was dividing the map into 3 sections. (Divided by gates.)


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    The main thing about this is letting the defenders have about a minute to gather up to defend the next crystal if one of the crystals is destroyed. This is to stop the match from snowballing.

    Okay the war will start the same way as it does right now. Once crystal A is destroyed, the defenders will be sent to spawn B. (Just like in union war, when the dusk is destroyed, the whole attacking side gets sent back to spawn. Except it is the defend in this case.)

    There will be a gate that blocks the attackers from proceeding to Crystal B right away. Both sides will have roughly a minute to gather up and get ready to attack/defend Crystal B.

    Once the break is up, the first gate will open up then both sides can proceed to defending/attacking Crystal B. Once Crystal B is destroyed, same process.

    Defenders are sent to spawn C. Gate blocks the attackers. Roughly a minute break to ready up. Then match continues.

    Imagining a fresh new war of 15vs15 in the beginning of each crystal. Avoiding attackers having too much momentum and just roll over the defenders. Helps both sides to be a little more organized at least in the beginning.

    4. Timer for the match.

    That's all I could think of right now. Not too bad for 15min of brainstorming.

    This is of course after the bugs are fixed.


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    Posted 21 April 2012 - 02:33 PM

    Agreed to Santa 1k post.
    lot of nice Idea which will help with queue up.
    Minimize snowball affect and spawn killing.
    Nice drawing Good Things About Patch 400 - ROSE Community Chat (46)

    Make it happen dev.

    Arena is definitively better than Union war when it run smoothly.
    No more those 50vs like 5 or 6 player, No more leecher.

    Arena really encourage team play and everyone is useful.

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